You are hereStep and Repeat Backdrop Banners
Step and Repeat Backdrop Banners
Red Carpet Banners
A step and repeat banner (sometimes called a 'step and repeat backdrop' or 'step and repeat wall') is used by event planners to photograph attendees and want to make sure the sponsors' logos are visible in every photograph.
The term step-and-repeat refers to how the logo (or logos) of the sponsors are staggered over the banners surface. Step and repeat banners must be large enough to provide a complete backdrop to whomever is being photographed and at Ace Banner we recommend using as matte a fabric or vinyl as possible, to minimize glare from cameras.
These kinds of banners are also sometimes jokingly referred to by industry insiders as "grip and grin" banners.
We have sometimes created step-and-repeat walls using foamcore or gatorboard panels. These rigid signs can be laid out next to each other to create the same effect. For fabric and vinyl backdrops we have some specialized banner stands that can be used to setup the banner.
To get pricing, you can either:
- Call us at (212) 620-9111
- Request an Estimate Form
- Email us at
Also, we now offer custom-printed event carpeting - which pairs perfectly with your backdrop.
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